Cicret Bracelet Summary
With the news and the memes doing countless rounds on social media regarding smartphones blasting, all your worries can be certainly put to rest as you can blindly rely on its battery. On a serious note, this project, if implemented successfully, will certainly be a gadget to watch out for in the future. Features of cicret bracelet. “Answer your calls, check the weather, read your mails, browse internet, play your favorite games, find your way… Do whatever you want to do on your arm,” declares Cicret on its official website. The video on the official website received an overwhelming response from the viewers too. It will certainly be on the lookout of those gadget geeks who are tired of holding their touchscreen phones and are looking for an alternative. Nevertheless, they would have to shell out a considerable chunk on this as the price is likely to be around $400. The Cicret project is currently being handled by a team of French Designers, headed by Guillaume...